Some professional & personal projects
Professional projects
- Meshed RTOManager — Managing education business, with an RTO Student Management System that delivers intelligent software design, and processes and workflows that enhance the student journey.
- Educonnect — Cloud-based platform with a streamlined process that helps to discover courses that are right for students, connect with course advisors directly, and help them to apply.
- Hamrobazar — is FREE online classified which enables individuals as well as companies to list wide variety of new or used product online.
- E-PAATH — E-Paath is a free learning platform with over 500 interactive learning modules that are designed to align with Nepal's national curriculum. Catering to specific subjects and grade levels from 1 to 8, E-Paath modules are available in Nepali and English languages, and adaptable to any.
Personal projects
use-kit — Collection of different React Custom Hooks and Utilit Components
TypeScript, React.js, npm
react-masonify — A lightweight React component library for creating responsive Masonry layouts.
React.js, TypeScript, npm
react-lazy-load-image — React custom hook to lazy load images and other components/elements using Intersection Observer API natively present in the browser.
React.js, TypeScript, Intersection Observer, Vite JS